Allows you to control the quality of printed pages.
Allows you to print all pages, odd pages only, or even pages only within the selected page range.
When automatic tiling is enabled, specify an overlap amount from 0” to 6” in this field.
To print thumbnails (one-eighth size pages that show the overall layout), check this.
This area lists the specifications for the style sheet highlighted in the Style Sheet scroll list above.
To print even pages only, select this.
To print even pages only, select this.
To print odd pages only, select this.
To print odd pages only, select this.
To print all pages in the document, select this.
To print all pages in the document, select this.
To print multiple copies of a document with each copy in numerical order, check this.
To print multiple copies of a document with each copy in numerical order, check this.
If you do not want to tile your document, choose this.
To print a draft version of the document, choose this.
To print pictures in the document at low resolution, choose this.
To print the document as it is displayed on screen, choose this.
Displays the name of the printer selected in the Chooser.
To have QuarkXPress control the size and distribution of tiles, select this. Specify an overlap amount from 0" to 6" in the field .
To print colors as corresponding shades of gray, check this.
To have QuarkXPress control the size and distribution of the tiles, choose this. Choosing Automatic activates the Overlap field.
To control the size and distribution of individual tiles yourself, choose this. Define tiles by relocating the ruler origin.
To allow blank pages to print, check this.
To allow blank pages to print, check this.
Displays all default H&Js or those set up for the active document.
Displays all default H&J specifications or H&J specifications established for the active document.
Use this dialog box to create and edit hyphenation and justification specifications.
Keeps the changes you have made when working with H&J specifications.
Keeps the changes you have made when working with H&Js.
Displays a directory dialog box that enables you to import another document’s H&Js.
Removes the selected H&J specification from the scroll list. Unavailable because no H&J specification is selected or the Standard H&J specification is selected.
Removes the selected H&J specification from the scroll list.
Removes the selected H&J from the scroll list. Not available because the Standard H&J is selected.
Removes the selected H&J from the scroll list.
Creates a copy of the selected H&J specification. Not available because no H&J specification is selected.
Creates a copy of the selected H&J specification. Clicking this displays the Edit Hyphenation and Justification dialog box. Use it to modify the duplicate H&J specification.
To create a new H&J specification, click this.
Closes the dialog box without implementing changes.
Displays the Edit Hyphenation and Justification dialog box, which you can use to modify the selected H&J specification. Not available because no H&J specification is selected.
Displays the Edit Hyphenation and Justification dialog box, which you can use to modify the selected H&J specification.
Displays all default style sheets or those set up for the active document.
Displays all style sheets for the active document. When no documents are open, default style sheets are displayed.
Use this dialog box to create new style sheets or to edit existing style sheets. When no documents are open, changes you make are applied to all subsequently created documents.
Keeps the changes you have made when working with style sheets.
Displays a directory dialog box that enables you to import another document’s style sheets.
Removes the selected style sheet from the scroll list. Unavailable because no style sheet is selected or the Normal style sheet is selected.
Removes the selected style sheet from the scroll list.
Creates a copy of the selected style sheet. Not available because no style sheet is selected.
Creates a copy of the selected style sheet. Clicking this displays the Edit Style Sheet dialog box. Use it to modify the duplicate style sheet.
To create a new style sheet, click this.
Displays the Edit Style Sheet dialog box, which you can use to modify the selected style sheet. Not available because no style sheet is selected.
Displays the Edit Style Sheet dialog box, which you can use to modify the selected style sheet.
Displays the Trap Specifications dialog box for the color selected in the scroll list. Not available because Registration or White is selected.
Displays the Trap Specifications dialog box for the color selected in the scroll list.
Displays all colors contained in the current color palette.